Pretty solid day food wise yesterday and a nice chest session....I read last night about the keys to gaining mass from the new MD (I know, It was prebed) and it gave this recipe for a shake....
olive oil
Said it was about 1700 and to drink this 3x a day on top of 3 meals....each shake is suppose to be 1700 clean cals.....christ!
I am loving the eggs in my first meal....thanks Davie. Today it was a tb of pb.....2 full eggs, 1 cup egg whites (keep the protein up) 1/2 cup oats........large banana, and a exekiel eenglish muffin with ff cream cheese....all at meal is my FLANK!!! and brown rice.........eating is starting to get fun, wonder if I should go out and get some wings tonight....
As for's my 2nd delt day....usually do more of a power routine the 2nd day with hang cleans and high rows.......
What about 10 sets of 10 reps with eavh of the big lifts
10 of 10
Hang Clean
even though I benched yesterday, would this be a problem?