1) What about sugar? should I stay away from it during the week AND carb-up?
Certainly NONE durint the week.
During the carb=up it should be ok, but its best to keep high GI items towarsd the earliest parts of the carb up, and to have fewer of them on like the 2nd day of carb-up.
2) Do I need to keep the same meal frequency on carb-up days (6 meals)?
Studies have shown little change in the effectiveness of the carb up whther the carbs were ingested in like 3 big meals or 6 smaller ones, but given the shear amount of carbs that we are taliing about, more frequent meals may be a better choice.
3) I find it hard to avoid hidden carbs; for example, Cheddar Cheese, Beef Jerky and nuts all contain carbs, which leads me to intake about 25 gms of carbs a day.
And your question?
Well, most people will go intp ketosis at 20 and 25 gns, Hidden carbs are the tough ones. Most times people are told "zero" becuase even when most people THINK zero, there are still hidden carbs. Coffee has like 1 gm, diet soda has one, an egg has one, etc. They do add up.
If people start to think they canb have SOME carbs, then these are typically added to the "hidden" ones and it ends up keepint them out of ketosis!
4) I can't eat my minimal calorie intake without going way above the amounts of protein, I need 115 gms of Protein, and consume about 200. Is it ok to consume twice as much prot. as needed?
Well, here is the problem.
To really do a CKD correctly you do want low low carbs during the week and you still want a certain amount of protein to keep lean mass. You also do NOT want to drop calories TOO low or that will create problems as well. So, there is a reason that a certain amount of protein abnd fat is recommended.
Now many guys would think "ok, but hey, if I cant do any carbs, and need a minimal amount of protein (with some fat) to make up a certain number of calories, then what if I eat MORE protein and maybe LESS fat!
Here is the problem with that.
TOO MUCH protein CAN knock you out of ketosis!
Even if you eat NO carbs at ALL, the body still has the capacity to get some glucose out of protein (maybe its glycogen, but bear with me .... I do think its glucose). So you do want to eat some protein (isntead of 100% fat) so that you hopefully minimize the amount oif protein which the body will produce by vbreaking down its own lean mass.
But if you eat TOO MUCH protein then yoru boidy may actually be able to make too much glucoise from it, and this can actually knock you out of, or prvenet you from going into, ketosis.
whenthey say X amount if protein, and Y amount of fat (and yes, some non-zero amount of carbs) then they MEAN it.
Now there is probably some leeway in this, meaning if the optimal CKD equations point to 125 gms of protein and you do 150, I would not worry too much (as long as you balance it out by changing the amount of fat you ingest so that total calories is near correct).
But I would not like double the amount if protein or anything like that.
Pardon me, but I just got done re-reading Lyle's Keto diet book again. LOL And my typing sucks ass, sorry.