have been with my g/f for 3 yrs now and i am more into the gym than ever, however she has let herself go a bit and it is getitng worse.
I have offered to go to the gym with her, help her out with diet etc etc.....
or do a hobby together but she just ain't interested even bought her new gym kits. the only thing she likes doing is shopping.
any more advice ladys as i ain't shallow but i just don't find her as sexy!
and be honest if your guy banged on 50lbs of fat would you want him as bad as you do now, would you? Be honest...
simply NO!!
It is hard subject to talk to her about she just goes in a mood and says i think she is fat, and if i want a 'thin bird' (her words) then to go out and get one.
I would prefere it if she turned to me and said honey not being funny but you are putting on a little wait. I would use it as inspiration to get my fat arse back to the gym lol.