No on the Rye toast.
1) Bread is not a good carb when cutting. Check the ingredients, I am sure sugar is on there. Most breads are pretty processed. Stick with oatmeal or cream of wheat. It isn't necessarily the carb content, but the choice of carbs.
2) You need PROTEIN at breakfast too. Coffee and toast is NOT a good breakfast. You need breakfast to be big, to be your first metabolism boosting of the day. If you don't feed your body, your metabolism will plummet and you will NOT lose any fat.
No on the protein bars.
Not because of the FAT content, but what is in them. The are processed and full of chemicals. You should definately carry one with you, in case you are stuck somewhere without food, or something similar. They are usually better than a snickers bar or french fries. I typically cut my protein bars in half (other half in fridge) and eat 1/2 when I have a chocolate craving. Bu that is only about 1-2x a week AT MOST. I might go weeks without having one.
You need to get out of the mindset that some foods are off limits because they are too high in fat or too high in carbs. It isn't the CONTENT that is "bad", it is the CHOICE. No foods are BAD, there are just smarter choices. You need carbs. Carbs provide energy. But you need NONPROCESSED carbs. Carbs such as yams, oatmeal, red potatoes, rice, veggies. These are basic, nonprocessed foods. Fat is NECESSARY to lose fat. But you want healthy fats - such as Olive Oil, Flax Oil, Almonds, Avacados.
Processed foods are harder for the body to digest and USE. You want foods that the body can use to help build muscle, get rid of fat, or whatever your goals may be. The more processed the food, the harder for your body to use them. Also, processed foods are usually high in sugar and/or chemicals.
Planning a diet is not rocket science. People try to make it so difficult and fancy, when in actuality it is quite basic. Eat basic, close to nature foods. Minimize processed foods, eat "real" foods. Split your meals into 5-6 smaller meals, eating every 3-4 hours. Eat starchy carbs in the morning and mid-morning, after mid-day, eat only green veggies as your carbs. Protein should be eaten at every meal. Protein sources should be lean meats. Dairy should be very limited (if included at all). Protein should be high, complex carbs moderate and healthy fats moderate.
Adding on to this. Cutting/Dieting is NOT fun. It is not going to be easy. It is going to be ball breaking hard. There are not many food choices, typically you will eat the same thing day in and day out. It is boring and tedious. It takes time planning and preparing. You can take steps to make it more "fun" by experimenting with spices and preparation methods, different food combinations, but that is about it. Your food choices should ALWAYS remain clean, basic and non-processed. If it were easy, or fun, more people would do it.
You will have cravings, there will be days you would eat your foot if you could sprinkle some chocolate sauce on it. To seriously cut BF, you HAVE to push through these days. Cravings are usually psychological. You can adapt to this in three ways: 1) don't ever give in, no cheat days, no cheat meals, etc, or 2) give yourself 1-2 PLANNED cheat meals during the wek. These meals are PLANNED in advance, and are NOT free-for-alls. They are small re-feed meals to help keep hormone levels normalized and mentally keep you stronger, 3) an all out cheat day. I don't recommend this. It too often turns into a free-for-all, and can seriously set you back. Not many people have the discipline to have an entire cheat day wihtout going overboard.