New member
i had the best leg workout todya...i worked out with my buddy from work..he is a big guy, and is really strong...so ya i did his leg workout but lower weights them him of course...but he pushed me and motivated me so much throughout....i got soem really good sets. Neways he ended up doing cardio with after, adn he enver does cardio lol....but we did 10min after...i usually do mroe..but hey i got to try somehting diffrent and shock my muscles...we were there for 2hrs!! We are going to do legs together each week now. Also i was so happy when an older women who i know...(she goes to my gym adn coems to tim hortons for coffee allt eh tiem *i work at tim hrotons*) she just won 2 1st places in teh figure competition in windsor, Ontario... well seh said that i shoudl enter a bodybuilding competition,, i was so happy...that made my dad...im planning on entering a figure competition next november....i will be 18 then....it's so exciting! i lvoe working otu with guys...they are such motivation!!! sorry i typed fast..lol