Wow! The difference is amazing. All that work definately paid off.
I wieghed 222 pounds at 15 years old. I think I have some pix somewhere. I've always been really big all my life. I cant remember ever wieghing less than 200 pounds either. I have found I can gain muscle easily, but losing fat is rather difficult for me. It takes serious dieting and nutrition for me to shed some fat.
The most i've ever lost was when me and my ex-wife split up. I went from about 240 to 218 in about 3 weeks. I ate maybe once a day and was taking an ECA stack daily. I kept the weight off after we got back together, but then went to Germany for work for 3 months. The only food I really enjoyed over there was Italian and by the time I came home, I was at 243 pounds. Blah.