I vote for 1/10th of a cc of 200 mg Cyp once a week, first couple of weeks to try it out.
If she can handle that with out sides, (acne, hair loss, voice dropping,) I'd go 2x a week.
That's a Dr. Scruggs fix, and it works, very well!
Yes this or the gel will be best. My wife has been doing 30 mg of test per week and her sex drive has gone from very low to through the roof! No sides yet.
Keep the dose under 45mg per week and even 20 might be plenty....the above Dr. Scuggs formula is a great one!
Use a 27 gauge pin that is 1.5 inches long.....won't feel a thing really.......also be sure to use an insulin syringe for the extra pushing power it gives but more importantly for getting the dose correct each time.
Watch out for hair growth on the upper lip and or chin. Also if the voice starts to crack, if she gets a cough or even if her voice just feels odd then stop right away. I recommend that you start off with test prop and inject tiny amounts every three days to equal 25 mg per week. If sides come on then it is easier to bail out with the prop than with cyp or enanthate. If she tolerates the 25 of test well(take a 6 week trial) then you could switch to test cyp or enenthate once per week. BTW some clit growth will occur even at low dose but this is actually a good thing....just watch that it doesn't get out of hand.
I'll have to disagree with Lobo for once here. Test in not a foreign hormone to the female body but Halo is .....but more importantly it is "THE" most toxic steroid out there.
Hey-I finally got here bro. From the other board. MM<> I have been having a real hard time with these boards. Tell me what to do to chat!MM<> GearmanII on here!