New member
There has been a lot of talk on here lately about CKD type diets. How beneficial would it be, from a fat loss standpoint, to only take in carbs before and after training and then thats it for the day. For example pre work out have some protein and about 30g of slow digesting carbs and then immediately afterward have whey with another 30-40g of slow digesting carbs. Then that is it, only protiein, fats, and fibrous carbs like veggies. Would this produce good fat loss results. Because i know that the main benefit of a CKD or TKD is that it kicks your body into ketosis, but ingesting this many carbs wouldn't allow your body to do that. So would it really make any difference. Or when it comes to fat loss is it, eat no carbs or eat only slow digesting ones, but no nead to restrict.