New member
Incline Bench 205 4x6, full touch on clavicles and tryed for good acceleration.
Flat Speed bench 8x3 165 very good speed, but can tell that I am still sore from Saturday. no bounce but a full reversal of weight with no pause.
Speed OHP 115 tryed for good speed since this is what I lack the most of. Still have to get used to using leg drive
. but pretty solid a few more times trying I might get the form down.
Reverse flyes machine w/higher grip. 100 3x10 felt real good and got a major pump for some weird reason.
Flyes lying down cable 50 2x10 good burn
Pushdowns 70 2x12 tryed for least amount of movement in elbows and it worked well.
Shrugs 225 4x10
that was it went light yesterday to get some AR tomorrow I will try to get up to my normal self
Flat Speed bench 8x3 165 very good speed, but can tell that I am still sore from Saturday. no bounce but a full reversal of weight with no pause.
Speed OHP 115 tryed for good speed since this is what I lack the most of. Still have to get used to using leg drive

Reverse flyes machine w/higher grip. 100 3x10 felt real good and got a major pump for some weird reason.
Flyes lying down cable 50 2x10 good burn
Pushdowns 70 2x12 tryed for least amount of movement in elbows and it worked well.
Shrugs 225 4x10
that was it went light yesterday to get some AR tomorrow I will try to get up to my normal self