Big Rick Rock
Product Description:
2 Pound Container, Whey Light Chocolate
Whey Light is available in Chocolate, Vanilla & Strawberry.
Whey Protein Light is the first protein powder made for weight loss. The Weight loss from Whey Light is a result of a scientific alteration of the protein which in turn makes you lose body fat. This scientific alteration of the protein in whey light is what makes it completely unique and different from common whey proteins that build muscle and bulk. Popular whey proteins are formulated to build muscle and bulk and do not address weight loss. Whey Protein Light is the first whey protein to address the issue to “lose body fat AND maintain lean muscle mass”. Whey Light is the first whey protein clinically proven to reduce body fat and maintain lean muscle mass, naturally.
*controls hunger
*controls fat deposition
*accelerates fat breakdown
Ingredients: Hydrolyzed Whey Isolate, Cocoa, Malted Milk Powder, Sucralose
The First Whey Protein Isolate to Make you Lose Bodyfat.
Let me just cut straight to it. I have created the perfect supplement. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 20. Why you ask? Most likely, if you are reading this, you want to be or if you are already you want to be more ripped, have six pack, have striations in their triceps, look vascular, have a nicer ass, lean mid-section etc, etc. What does it take? Plain and simple MORE MUSCLE and LOW BODYFAT. How do you get more muscle and lower your bodyfat? You train with free weights and you eat just enough calories to trigger fat loss, but at the same time keep or even gain muscle mass. This is very, very, difficult to do. If it was easy you would see a lot more people with six packs and a lot more women running around with hot bodies. Thus, various muscle building and weight loss products are available to help you achieve this “LEAN” physique. But these products have been either made to make you gain weight and/or muscle or attempt to make you lose bodyfat. No products have been developed to do both. No products have been made to be both a muscle building product and a body fat reduction supplement combined. Well, now available from is that supplement. A product “Lean” maker of the sorts. The product is the most advanced supplement of its kind and it’s now available to you.
Ever since whey protein has hit the market it has been the #1 choice for anyone wishing to improve their physique. Whey protein is simple to use and is excellent for adding lean muscle mass. Whey protein mixes easily and tastes great and it is the best protein powder for increasing lean muscle mass and to increase overall protein intake. But like all protein powders it does have one flaw. One flaw, you may ask? “I thought whey protein was the perfect protein”. Yes you heard what I said, whey protein powder does have one easily understandable flaw. Let me explain.
All protein powders contain calories. For every gram of protein you consume you are getting 4 calories. Thus if you take 3, 30 grams protein shakes a day you are getting an extra 360 calories, plus the other extra calories from the liquid you used. Now I know what you’re thinking now, so what, what is an extra 360 calories. Well for the muscle head it is not a problem, but for the person that wants to lose bodyfat and get lean it is a big problem. Ever since protein powders came out, companies have been trying to figure out ways for them to help you lose weight. The most common is the Meal Replacement Powders. These are probably the worst thing that you can use. Not only do they contain low quality protein powders, but they contain maltodextrin, a high glycemic carbohydrate that will put on fat like a Krispy Kreme donut does. Then the supplement companies tried to make their whey proteins with 0 carbs, thinking that an extra 2 or 4 grams of carbs will have a HUGE impact on your weight loss goals, which is obviously not true, carbohydrates contain the same amount of calories as protein. You see, every fitness guru, weight loss expert, personal trainer, supplement company owner, info marketing ab machine person knows that the ONLY way to lose bodyfat is to consume LESS calories. PERIOD!!!!. That is it, you must take in less calories than you use throughout the day to lose bodyfat. Thus the weight loss companies have pumped into your mind that by drinking protein shakes 2 or 3 times a day you will lose bodyfat. Well this is the “flaw” that I am talking about.
The “flaw” with whey protein or for that matter any weight loss powder drink is that when you use these products you STILL taking in calories. And those calories add up. So if you are trying to lose bodyfat you’re “paddling up a stream”. You think you are doing good while consuming protein shakes and MRP’s but when all along you are just replacing your regular food with powdered food. The calories are still the same. Most people cannot consume the little calories it takes to lose bodyfat. And why most people that use whey protein and MRP’s for weight loss FAIL miserably. Well, I have to tell you that I have solved this problem with protein powders.
As previously mentioned, you need to consume less calories than you use throughout the day to lose bodyfat. Not only that, but the calories you consume must be healthy foods like lean meats and low glycemic carbohydrates. Unless you are a complete moron, everyone knows how to eat healthy. After being in the supplement business for almost 10 years I rarely come across a person that does not know how to eat healthy. Protein is the most important macronutrient if you want to lose bodyfat. Protein will increase your muscle mass, increase your metabolism and help you lose the bodyfat. You must have PROTEIN in your diet if you want to lose bodyfat in a healthy manner. So what do people do to get the protein they need? They buy whey protein powder. And thus this is the mistake I am talking about. The weight loss wanna-be does right by making sure he is getting enough protein in his/her diet, but fails because it adds the calories which crushes their weight loss goals.
About 1 year ago I started to research whey protein and its relationship to weight loss and body fat composition. I discovered that by creating a whey protein that was specifically manufactured in a manner that would actually aid in weight loss it would create a new category for weight loss powders. The technology behind the manufacturing of whey protein is advancing quickly. We now have the capability to manipulate the whey protein in such a way where we can create a protein, that is “specific” to achieve a certain goal. And in this case the goal is weight loss. Well, I am here to tell you that it is now available. Yes, it is the first whey protein whose composition was altered scientifically to aid in weight loss. Now at this point you might be thinking, “if it sounds to good to be true it probably is”. Hey, I would too, but guess what. Before I decided to launch this product it was clinically tested. And guess what again, IT WORKED!!! Not only that but dramatically the volunteers taking my weight loss whey mostly loss weight in the “trunk” region, which is your ass and your stomach, awesome I know!!! More good news is that the volunteers ranged from all ages and shapes.
Wanna know how it works? Let me explain. This new advanced form of whey protein works 3 ways: 1- Satiety, 2- controlling fat deposition and 3- acceleration of fat breakdown. With the use of high tech manufacturing techniques, we are able to create a “specific goal oriented whey protein” by accelerating certain components of the whey protein itself, truly remarkable. Hence, this is what we did.
Whey Light contains a high level of the protein peptide GMP (glycomacropeptide).
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide that is released from intestinal cells into the blood stream following the consumption of food. CCK interacts with the stomach to slow gastric emptying and help maintain a feeling of satiety. CCK also binds to brain cell receptors indicating to the brain that the body is in a state of satiety. In humans, CCK levels in the blood normally reach a peak within 20 minutes following a meal and return to baseline within one hour (Portman, 2001). GMP stimulates secretion of CCK. Human clinical work done on a small number of volunteers (6) showed that GMP increased blood levels of CCK up to 270% within 20 minutes after consumption (Yvon, et al., 1994). This work verifies that GMP or fragment 106-169 of k-casein stimulates CCK release and thereby slows gastric emptying and creates a feeling of satiety.
A special hydrolysate in Whey Light limits the production of angiotensin II
Fat deposition occurs in fat cells, adipocytes, in the human body. The regulation of Fat deposition in adipocytes has been a topic of much research with numerous studies showing that adipocytes produce a variety of proteins and hormones that help control Fat deposition (Jones, et al., 1997). Among the hormones synthesized by adipocytes is the vasoactive compound, angiotensin II. Jones et al. (1997) have shown that angiotensin II increase Fat deposition in human fat cells. They found that angiotensin II has direct feedback to the fat cell by binding to specific synthase and glycerol-3 phosphate dehydrogenase that are involved in Fat deposition. As a result of higher levels of these two enzymes, adipocytes become larger by synthesizing and depositing more triglyceride material in the cell.
Angiotensin II is formed by angiotensin converting enzyme, therefore enzyme inhibitors effective in limiting production of angiotensin II in patients can reduce Fat deposition by limiting the production of angiotensin II. A special hydrolysate produced with activity against the production of angiotensin II is a component in Whey Light.
Whey Light contains levels of minerals which accelerate fat breakdown
The third component of Whey Light, is minerals which include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.
Research has shown the mechanism of how dietary calcium, like the kind found in Whey Light, impacts fat deposition and breakdown in the fat cell (adipocyte). They have found that when dietary calcium is low, the body responds by increasing uptake of calcium into the adipocyte, resulting in high intracellular calcium. High intracellular calcium that occurs during low dietary calcium intake causes the adipocyte to increase expression of enzymes responsible for fat lipogenesis and it also inhibits fat breakdown (lypolysis). Thus, when people are on low calcium/dairy diets, they get fatter. Whey dietary calcium is high, the movement of calcium into the adipocyte decreases dramatically resulting in low intracellular calcium. Low calcium in the adipocyte causes accelerated lypolysis and significantly reduces lipogenesis resulting in weight loss.
Research has been recently completed with similar experiments in humans. Results of a clinical trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition are reported to show that increasing dietary calcium speeds up weight loss and fat loss. Weight loss was enhanced when the calcium was derived from low-fat milk products compared to an equivalent amount of supplemental calcium.
The 24-week study divided people into three groups. The control group took low-calcium products, a second group was given high levels of calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, and the third group was given high levels of calcium in the form of dairy products (three to four servings of low-fat milk products).
All groups were given a low-calorie diet. The control group lost 6.4% of their body weight. By comparison, the calcium carbonate group lost 8.1% of body weight, and the dairy group lost 10.9% of body weight. Relatively speaking, this means the dairy group lost 70% more weight than the control group.
As an added bonus, calcium taken in the form of dairy products has recently been linked to weight loss. Davies et al. (2000) reanalyzed five studies that had been done with a skeletal endpoint to see if there was any correlation between calcium intake and body weight. They found significant negative correlations between calcium intake and body weight for three different age groups. They estimated that a 1000 mg/day difference in calcium intake corresponded to an 8 kg reduction in weight. They showed that when dietary calcium to protein ration was higher than 15 mg Ca/g protein in 348 women in their 30’s, BMI did not exceed 27.
That calcium and dairy product consumption helps control weight at various ages of life was also shown in work done by Carruth and Skinner (2001). They found that children from 2-96 months old exhibited a negative correlation between body weight and calcium/dairy product intake. Supporting work (Lin, et al. 2000) showed that young women (age 18-31), regardless of exercise status, also exhibited a negative correlation between calcium intake and body weight.
No stimulants, no ephedra, no crazy herbs or botanicals. Completely 100% safe and natural. A whey protein compositionally altered into a weight loss product.
A little more info…..
The Name.
If you don’t know me by now, my name is Alex Rogers, owner of I am a down to earth guy, who doesn’t like bullshit, and scientific jargon and fancy labeling to sell product. Thus I decided to call the new weight loss protein “WHEY LIGHT”. Basic I know, but I am not trying to sell you a weight loss drug or a product made to sound like it was manufactured by a military underground lab.
A different Product
Whey Light is going to be sold in containers ONLY!!!. I know a shocker, but this is the only way that I want it sold. Why? Because #1 it’s a supplement and not common whey protein isolate or concentrate. You take it like a supplement 1 or 2 servings a day, unlike common whey protein where you can take 12 servings a day. The effects of the “Whey Light” are a result of just 1 serving a day.