Now, that we got the skinny on diuretics we can all move on in life. I trained at prime time last night again; the gym was congested, I love it like that. I managed within 1 month to give everyone in the gym lifters anxiety and an inferiority-complex. I'm starting to wake-up in the morning looking pumped; that's how you know if you are really jacked and know how much quality muscle you are holding. Moreover, how you look first thing in the morning should be the premise you work from; if you look overly depleted and your muscles constantly look smooth day after day, then you need to adjust your program. Do not measure things by how you look right after you train because that depicts an artificial picture of your actual physique.
I been consulting with a technology geek from my gym; he is going to video tape me training "back" here in the near future, so I can please Evan. Pictures can be deceptive but videos are pretty much the real deal. I'm waiting to get in a little better shape; and we are working on the lighting, therefore, what you see is what you get.
I weighed in @ 247 and I got my BF checked again because I am paranoid and I know there is no room for error. According to the calipers, I'm @ 7% BF, which I wasn't trying to hear. But I have 6 months to gain 3-5 lbs. of quality tissue and drop 3% BF, that's putty in my hands. The mirror is telling me I’m holding water; hence I’m not getting a good fix on how much quality tissue I’m holding. Consequently, I have to do a little case study to evaluate how much water I’m holding; and then I will be able to make a good assessment on how much muscle I'm holding, then I can tweak and adjust things accordingly to how I look.
N2SLIN. An excellent product to aid in carb oxidation. What is carbohydrate oxidation? A real simple answer: the burning of extra carbs; which is ideal to prevent carbs from storing as fat and be able to utilize them for energy. Carbs are the most efficient source of energy to fuel your body. Glucose can be produced within the body without carbs, but its far less efficient, hence, carbs are much more protein sparing than protein itself. Because the body prefers carbs for energy, protein can be directed towards muscle repair and muscle building. Eating carbohydrates are the best way to fuel your body and increase metabolism. With that said, eat your carbs and insert N2SLIN because it is a wonderful product to incorporate to help utilize carbs for energy and to help free protein to build muscle.
Cycle: I’m using all long esters for the majority of my cycle; once I reach a steady-state and feel my body has reached hormonal adaption to the dose I’m using I will increase the dosage, then I will repeat this process. I use the linear progression model; which is nice steady, slow, and superlative gains. About 6-8 weeks out from my competition I will switch from long esters to all short esters and stay with the same hormones. This will cause a hormonal spike and a “peak plasma concentration” at the perfect time and I will get the most out of the hormones before the “law of diminishing returns” occurs.
Training: I trained back last night like I already mentioned and I am taking tonight off. Again, no set protocol, I’m just listening to my body and concentrating on isolating the body part I’m training that day. I’m always tweaking, adjusting, and manipulating things depending on how I feel and look. I will say this, I will stay at a certain weight until I feel I mastered that weight for 12-15 reps. Once I feel my body has adapted to that weight I will insert a new environment stimuli to shock my muscles by simply upping the weight; and I will repeat that process when I feel I reached a new plateau.
Later on