In America we have long recognized France as the land of romance and lovers. We are just arrogant enough to believe that French women would prefer an American male if he were only available.
In America we have long recognized France as the land of romance and lovers. We are just arrongant enough to believe that French women would prefer an American male if he were only available.
actually, i'd like to see all of europe some day. i'd especially like to go to Italy and rent a Euro model Ducati (more power than the stateside versions) and give it a good romping. not a damn thing wrong with that
I happen to love france, and lived there because I LIKE it there, but hear this, Woodenshoeboy: The french stink. They do, THEY say they do, they joke about it.
The average french citizen uses a bar of soap every three months, a tube of toothpaste every 7 months and a new toothbrush every... wait for it.... three years.
I never really notice anyone stinking. Unless they fart.
Americans do seem to be more anal about personal hygiene. they shower more, for one thing. They even put more showers in their homes. In europe only few have more than one shower in their house.
However people dont realise the strong similarities in culture. being smelly is as uncool in the media in france as anywhere else.
I just never really smelled it. fishermen smell when they come back from see on the weekends. that's the only people i';ve ever noticed obvious BO on
i aint no france supported but lance is dirty just ask greg leMond and its sad when your doctor is a known dirty drug doctor (dr ferrari who is dirty as poop) why cant he have an american doc who isnt known for EPO and other things..also it is sad when lances cycling team drives over 100 miles to throw trash away guess what they tossed away? needles epo shit +++ more... and it was on video tape.... he got busted with some type of cream back in 2001 but some how was able to say it for his cancer ... he is scared to race again since he could get caught.... i just dont like how he uses and points the finger at those who do use (he is a total badass though with or without drugs)
and shouldnt have cheated on his wife who stayed with with him while he was on his death bed and she was the one who got him to even ride again .....fucking low man .....
well he is atheists cheating shouldnt bother him one bit
nike and oakley and us postal and the whole shooting match doesnt want him to get caught .... he is a hero and that would look bad if the truth was out there on him