All professional cyclists currently dope or have doped in the past. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is part of sport. Doping in cycling goes all the way back to the Major Taylor days... the 1800s!
He was on the fucking jooze. The ONLY reason he's backing down now is because there were 50 people who knew him or were close to him at some time ready to take the stand. Since he has stepped down their testimony will never be heard; Lance is simply saving face
Nobody with a shred of intelligence will regard Lance as anything but the greatest ever despite this kangaroo court bullshit. They should rename it the fucking Tour de Lance.
He was on the fucking jooze. The ONLY reason he's backing down now is because there were 50 people who knew him or were close to him at some time ready to take the stand. Since he has stepped down their testimony will never be heard; Lance is simply saving face