jenscats5 said:
Monday July 31st
Waking Temp: 97.4
Weight: 142.8
1 Glucorell
1 Deep Choc. Vitamuffin
Iced Coffee: black coffee + ice + 2 packets Splenda + 1 tblsp. SF Vanilla Syrup + 2 tblsp. FF Vanilla Creamer
6 egg whites scrambled with 1 big spoonful of spicy ground turkey mixture
**Water Tally: 3 (16.9 oz) bottles of water.....
12:00 - Drove to gym
(left earlier but heard this weird sound as I pulled out - flat tire!! Yayy for AAA)
Legs & Abs
Warmup on Stationary Bike - 10 mins
Leg Extensions: 60lbs - 1x10; 70lbs - 2x10
Leg Sled (like a machine hack squat): 100lbs - 1x10; 120lbs - 1x10; 140lbs - 1x10
Angled Seated Calf Raises: 160lbs - 3x20
Rope Crunch: 140lbs - 3x10
Lying 1-Legged Leg Curls: 40lbs - 1x10*; 50lbs - 2x8*
(these hurt the back of my calf on the right side for some reason) *Each Leg
Hanging Leg Raises: 1x15, 2x20
SLDLs w/Standard Bar: 50lbs Added - 1x10; 60lbs Added - 1x10; 65lbs Added - 1x10
Leg Raise/V-up off end of flat bench: 3x20
Step Ups: 1x20*, 2x15*
*Each Leg
(Drank a bottle of water at the gym, but am not adding it to my totals)
PWO Shake: 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder + 2 tsp. Glutamine + 1/2 cup skim milk + ice + water + 2.5 oz. frozen peaches
8 Acme Waffle-shaped pretzels + mustard
(this made me hungry!!)
Wrap: 1 TJs LC WW tortilla + 2.5 oz. chicken + 1 oz. tomato + 1/2 oz. bell pepper + 1 tblsp. FF mayo
2 Levorex
**Water Tally: 5 (16.9 oz) bottles of water
1 Caff. Free Diet Pepsi