If you are not a wrestling fan... don't comment... you only make yourself sound stupid. Andre Vs Hulk.. WMIII... That was meaningful. Bret Hart getting screwed in Montreal... that was meaningful... I could go on. Mankind vs Undertaker in Hell in Cell... THAT WAS FUCKING MEANINGFUL!
Wrestling is theater... real theater. The endings are scripted and there is definitely an art to the craft. Often people dismiss wrestling because it is "fake"... whatever that is supposed to mean. Only an idiot would argue that point. Everyone knows it is scripted, but the ability to tell a story in the ring, cut a promo and create memorable moments is why true fans watch. Wrestling takes me to a place in my mind when I was 12 years old and not a care in the world... and for those two hours I enjoy myself and bask in its glorious lunacy.
No one would ever watch "Friends" and say... "damn... that was fake, I bet they aren't really even friends." I will say this... wrestling is more real than "Friends"... I have never seen Ross smash a chair off Joey's head in the Central Perk... or Rachel take a fall through a table.
People who bash wrestling only show their true fear of feeling intellectually inadequate... "I would never watch wrestling... that's for stupid people!" I am confident in my intellectual well being and I can proudly state "I WATCH WRESTLING AND I AM PROUD OF IT!"
Carry On...