. I chew ALOT of sugar free gum. The stomach issues have progressivly gotten worse! I even tried Super Dieter's tea last night....and Stillllll nothing! My colons on lock down!!! OOOOOOh nice!!!!
found this off a search when i was looking up stuff for IBS for my sister
Dietary Factors: A major source of gas is ingestion of complex carbohydrates (e.g., raffinose, stachyose, verbascose) that cannot be broken down into component sugars for absorption.5 These undigestible carbohydrates then serve as substrates for bacterial fermentation, yielding gas as a by-product. The patient teaching aid information page describes specific foods that tend to cause gas, since diet can be manipulated by the patient. However, a few additional dietary points deserve consideration. Sugar-free foods often contain sorbitol or fructose, which are both poorly absorbed in the small intestine. This poor absorption leads to gas.2 Sorbitol is one of the hexitol sugar alcohols, frequently implicated in the condition known as "chewing gum diarrhea" or "dietetic food diarrhea."6 Thus, the patient who chews sugar-free gum to control caries and the diabetic patient who utilizes dietetic foods to control weight are at high risk of flatulence and diarrhea. Reducing intake of sugar-free foods may help prevent gaseousness.
OH MY GOD!!!! LMAO!!!! Im at the gym right now checkin my e mail, and read your follow up posts, and could not stop laughing!!!! Is there a sf gum anonymous!!!? Can i join? The gyst of my diet is sorbitol, and sugar alcohals. Uh, duh! Truth is, all i crave is protein shakes and bars. True it keeps the weight down, but my stomach continually looks like im 5 months pregnant, because of the gas. AND i have a hot date fri. "blind date" EEEK!!! Gotsta get rid of this prob. b4 then. Hmmm, lots ta think about! Thanks detectives! I'll try to simmah- down-now on the "splenda's" n such