Thank you soo much everyone it really does help hearing stuff from girls cuz lol i did get info about clen/T3 from a guy (no offence to any guys of course).
that was really useful and thank you to everyone who replied oh and a special thank you to "needtogetass" for hooking me up with the platinum.
.....about the cambridge diet this is end of weeek 7 now and i am seeing a councelor..........(the diet lasts 12 weeks)
for anyone that doesnt know about the cambridge it is a well balanced diet but the calorie in take is extremely low. I lost 2 stones (25pounds) in roughly 6 puts ur body in ketosis and you dont even have to work out but i do as my aim in total is to loose 60Llbs (so far i've lost 25 which means i have a long way to go).
how it works is you take 3 shakes a day which are full of everything your body needs in a day but in the form of low calorie shakes. in addition to this i go swimming between 3-5 times a week for 20-30mins and go to the sauna for 20min trying to sweat out When i do go swimming I take 4 shakes daily to increase my protein intake to 57.6g
Below is a link to all the nutrition i take in daily...........if you look under "Cambridge diet drinks"
I know its extremely low calories but it has been working so i wanted to boost the weight loss.
I was actually going to purchase Cytomel (cytomix) and Clen stack in addition with this before i found this site as i read it works really well on looking to loose another 28 pounds fast somehow and quick.
hope this info was more useful