Well it's very very hard to get huge/monstrous man. I'd say, the more muscle you have, the more fat you can carry around and still look decent. So keep gaining that muscle. Creatine, lots of people take it, but it's a bulking thing. People told me, if I were to take it, I'd have to drink a lot of water.
Carbs are not evil unless you don't use em

. If you're that scared, eat low GI carbs, you do need them for energy for anerobic exercises...unless you're cutting.
Cardio will interfere with mass gaining, but as I said sprinting/HIIT cardio after your workout should be fine =/ at least you'll grow slow twitch fibers that way. I wouldn't do cardio though, it's your choice.
I wouldn't be concerned about your lack of strength. We all have to start somewhere. Just remember not to compare yourself with others. At any rate, this sport is about progress...keep increasing the weights on deadlifts/squats/bench and I guarantee you'll get stronger and more muscular (not to the point of being huge, you won't be a monster unless you eat like one)...yeah rest too (8 hours a night will do).
And of course the most important...be comfortable with yourself. I'm sure you weren't/aren't that fat, and you shouldn't be too concerned about getting fat =/...as long as you eat cleanly and train smart you'll have a top notch body. That's all. Good luck.