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Hey 1-Dawg that's partially tru but once you make the lift the next time you go too do it you already know you hit it before soo it might make it easier, I didn't put that bout my coach on there too take neones sides on it I mean i'm just sayin how I normally do good in my one rep max although i know it's not the best way. I checked out those places and I'm trying too put together a workout now based on what louie simmons does. The one thing I dont like about it honestly is it doesn't really explain the lift and when to do the lift like in an order. SO TOO ALL OF YOU if I make a workout based upon that how I think it'll help me will any of you check it out cuz the 2 last workout ideas I had since DEC 1 i havn't gotten one freakin answer, not even like last time "sad to say but it sucks" I'll even take that cuz then I know it's not good and get away from that point. Thanx again hope too here requests.