OK, today's workout. This is the same one I was sick to last week.
Squats: 10X145, 10X225, 5X295, 10X215.
BB Shrugs: 15X90, 15X125, 11X170, 15X130.
Calf Raises: 15X115, 15X175, 10X235, 15X185.
Front Raises: 15X10, 12X20, 7X25, 10X20.
Bent Over Laterals: 15X15, 12X25, 7.5X30, 10X25. These 3 were slooooow.
Standing Laterals: 15X10, 12X12, 7.5X20, 9X15.
OK, one question about the shrugs. I just started doing BB shrugs. I couldn't get enough with my 80lb D.B.s. When I do the lift, I have to lean forwards slightly so the bar doesn't drag too much on my legs. It doesn't seem to affect my back, but, will this be a problem?