Alrighty then.
Made it to the gym today.
Hanging leg raises: 3X15
Crosstrainer 20 min + 5 min cool down. Resistance 9, 6 mph - 12.5 mph 1 min slow, 2 min fast. 385 cals. HR max 168, 125 at the end of cool down.
BP today from the nurse at work. 142/80. I think that's the highest I can ever recall it. Stressful day, plus coffee. Usually around 125/70.
Meals, including casein shake tonight:
2375 cals, 113g fat for 43%, 200g prot for 34%, 139g carbs for 35%.
Interesting note. When I was waiting between sets of leg raises, I wandered arround the gym. Saw this big ass mofo going hot & heavy on squats. He looked like a football player, but I can't believe a strength coach could teach a guy that badly. He had 4 plates on, for a total of 235#, he was going down all the way to almost a 45deg angle on his thighs, so his ass was moving about 8", and he had to lean waaaaay over, almost like a half way good morning. Plus he was just a shaking while moving that awesome weight. I went over, after he was done his set & asked him if he'd like a little advice on his form. He gave me such a look, I almost withered. Instead I laughed & shrugged & walked away. The man/boy is gonna get hurt, but won't take any advice. Oh, well.