So, basically, it should look like this:Sarge_ said:just a little ideer:
you're top sets are all hitting the 10 effort...
maybe ditch the curls and fluff for now and save the energy... hopefully squeek out a few more weeks.
Tennis elbow sucks... i used to get it in my left elbow... haven't had it flare up in a long time. not sure what exactly triggers it.
Workout 1:
Squats 5X5, Bench 5X5, Rows, 5X5.Cut Pull Downs (maybe just add these in to workout 2)
Workout 2:
Deads 5X5, M.Press 5X5.Cut BB Curls & CGBP
Workout 3 (heavy):
Squats, 5X2, Bench 5X2, SLDL 5X5.Cut Alt D.B. Curls, DB Rows, Incline D.B. Press.