today after squats and deadlifts yesterday I have a pain in my lower left abdomen. It comes and goes. It's not very intense at all. I am skipping lifting today. I couldn't feel any bumps there.
The thing is, i didnt even go very heavy. I didnt strain at squats or deadlifts, just did 3 sets of 5 reps at 185 for both. (I had a b-ball game today, didnt want to be tired) And then I did leg presses (290). And I am always very careful about my form on these exercises, I dont jerk the weight either.
And I didn't feel any pain doing the exercises, other than a little in my lower back but I think it was just soreness. Odd
Had this many times. At first I thought I had a hernia and eventually went to a doctor. They probed, tugged, etc. No hernia. Then the pain started moving around a bit, but always in lower ab area.
Not sure what is was. But I started paying much better attention to my form especially my back while doing all my ab and leg work. Not sure there was a relationship, but the "hernia" went away...
I've had 2 hernia's. (both left ingurdial sp?) my nut sack got huge and dropped down an inch. Basically because your bowls drop into your nut sack. It's like a dull ache more then anything. After the shower and waking up is when it hurt the most. I know have a mesh screen holding my shit together.