TheeGame2544: Thanks for taking the time man, I agree with changes that you made in my plan. I might substitute tuna for chicken or beef in meal 2, only because I like to eat no more than 1 can of tuna per day because of the high mercury content. The only other thing is, I normally train around 6-7 pm, when I have my post workout meal, would it be better to add in say 1 cup of brown rice to replenish glycogen stores? Would dextrose be a better choice than brown rice or wheat pasta?
Other than that, it looks good. I have already noticed a difference over the last 4 days or so but eating no more than 30 grams of protein per meal. That extra protein doesn't seem to do much for me and only seems to add extra bf. The timing and amount of protein per meal I feel was my main hang-up. ALso I cut out the wheat bread lately, I am very responsive to carbs, they tend to give me sub-Q water retention immediately after eating them, UNLESS they are Oats, Yams, or Brown rice.
I know I could limit my carb intake a bit more and shed more bf, but I will wait till march to do, in the mean time my diet should help me slowly gain muscle while maintaining or slowly losing bf.