Going from lean to extra lean is really dificult (you already know that) so you need to do it the right way. I don't think it is good for anyone to just reduce calorie intake at random until you start loosing weight. What you would be doing then is basically starve the body, and both fat and muscle end up being burned for fuel. You lose weight, but the loss of lean muscle tissue only serves to reduce your metabolic rate, thus slowing your efforts even more. What you need to do is to go on a low carb diet (I would suggest ckd to prevent muscle loss) you will still need to reduce calorie intake a little (2200 calories/day) but the key is to cut almost all carbs. Remember, The body will not burn fat for fuel as long as there is a steady supply of quick-to-burn sugar. Inversely, without sugar, the body will be forced to body fat for energy. ALL carbohydrates, except for dietary fiber, are ultimately broken down into simple sugar molecules by digestive processes. So since most of the fat you have left is stubborn fat, your body just wont start burning it until absolutaly necessary. i.e NO carb. you should read up on ckd diets and if you are really motivated, read the thread about the all natural peanut butter diet by mr.X. In terms of cardio, I would suggest trying to do it 3-5 times a week and preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. getting some yohimburn would also help you go from 10% to < 9% once you get at the 10% mark.