The more the merrier. But I'll take whatever i can get P.S. Someone should post an ass size vote. In that case- the more the merrier does not apply. Thankyou and have a nice day.
Sadly we all know that if a girl lets us touch her jiggle sacks, we really arent going to complain. Bottom-line: We all take what we can get, and some of us go through life with out ever getting to play the hypothetical bongos...sigh.
I'm spoiled on plastic. my ex-wife has 650cc's and my girlfriend of five years has 730cc's. i just cant help it. Everytime I hear cc's my fingers! I love this website!
I voted for a d cup but i really think it all depends on the girls build. One ex had dd's but she was 5'4" and thin as heck. They looked out of proportion to me. Another was also a d but she was 5'7" and had fairly broad shoulders with a good medium build they looked real good. My wife is a small c and she looks flat chested because she is a larged boned build