Yes Lobo is correct. She is one of my BEST friends (the other female that I spoke is also a good friend) and had awesome results, only side was a bit more body hair... nothing that a bit of wax couldn't remedy. Excellent strength, good hardness, and yes, start slow, stay low... blah, blah, blah ..... hehehhehehe
She does say now though, that she much prefers Deca.... The second lady is still undecided as to a preference. She did have acne with her second EQ cycle, is currently taking deca also, but hasn't really formed an opinion about preference as of yet.
Your call Ann. Regardless of what you do, there WILL be sides and YOU GOTTA EAT and TRAIN HARD - but you already know this.
Thanx far, I have only heard good things. I am sifting through several options now. Still gearing toward test prop....mainly because of the great price . But have been interested in the Equipose....... do know one who did the Eq and winny together, with good results.
When you get time, post how your friends like the Deca....and what there goals are...... it scares the shit out of me
As a matter of fact she did do a paperstrol/eq stack... I will probably hang with her tonite or tomorrow (no kiddies YEAY!)... get all the specifics. kay?