All you should be eating on the low carb days is meat, veges (as much as you want- no potatoes ,fruits or beans) and raw or fresh nuts. Basicly your eating like a hunter gatherer. I do eat a bit of cereal in my first meal, but I make sure I have veges and meat in tehre too or else my blood sugar will crash.
On the refeed/carb/pigout days, eat whatever you want. This is when you eat your rice etc. I even eat chocolate
I know is gonna be tough initally, but you will get used to it. And nibble and chew everything. People who nibble and chew everything throughly , instead of gulping it down, digest the food better. Food = fuel, so its very important.
Well try it your way first, and then try it my way, and compare how you feel/results. All I can say is I have never felt better. The last time I felt this energetic was when I was 1 to 18 years old
And use your feel - if you start to get hunger pains all the time, and lose motivation its time to pigout, and then you'll feel ready to go back to the low carb cycle again. Read your body signs
I usually do a 3 day low carb to one day carb up. But as you get leaner switch to a 2 on 1 off. But the body is not a machine, so I will vary the cycles as I please, depending on what I'm doing and feeling like.