3x15, just add them in on every workout. But then alternate them with front squats on the order you do em, like this
Week x
Mon Ft Sqts, Bk Sqts, Z Sqts
Wed Bk Sqts, Z Sqts, Ft Sqts
Fri Z Sqts, Ft Sqts, Bk Sqts.
In order to maintain this you gonna have to everything clean that is not nailed down bro and get all the rest you can. On workout days you gonna wanna carb up before your workout. That will help you out a lot.
2-3 grams of protein per Lb of body weight.
This is gonna be a very stressful program but you also gonna be one big strong dude at the end too bro.
Keep up on your posting and dont be afraid to pm me anytime.
Because we are adding in the Z squats lets drop your sets to 2 working sets for each, (Ft Sqt, Bk Sqt and ZSqt.
You dont need to be concerned about any additional warmups. Just do a mild WU first thing.
Something like Bike 5-10
min@moderate pace. Body weight squats 3x10. Then do a few sets of whatever squat is the hardest for you with WU weights and your g2g. On to your work sets.