liftsiron: What you consider my "narrow range of thought" is probably just your inability to realize your own lack of comprehension. (Insert smiley face here)
Avavar provides the anabolic qualities without the androgenic side effects -- THAT's why you can't just use more test. But the hardness and vascularity you'd get from EQ can be achieved by using more Var. (Think about it and I'm sure it will sink in.)
The reason I recommend D-bol is because it's so effective -- FAR more effective than EQ, mg for mg. You don't need a lot of d-bol.
Come on, it isn't that hard to figure out. But it seems a lot of people are too eager to argue without investing any thought into what I'm saying here. I always provide reasons behind my statements, whereas I feel some people take it as a persoanl attack on what they like. They get defensive, and then they get insulting. And as everyone knows, that's when the REAL smart opinions begin!