Starting my 1st AAS cycle, epistane Havoc, in 2 days.
30mg for 30 days
nolva 20/20/10/10
Osta Sarms 25/25/25/25
The goal is to gain 10 lbs muscle, and keep as much as possible while experiencing as few side effects as possible.
Will be taking the 10mg caps 8hrs apart
Just set an alarm to go off every day, 3x / day.
(the point is to keep blood level stable, none of this 1 in the morning, 2 before workout $hit, people doing that dont understand how drugs work...)
6'2" 171 lb male, <15% bf (never measured properly, i've always had a six-pack, skinny-strong / hard-gainer body)
last summer I ate and lifted heavy, got my weight to 181 lb, benching 265 lb.
this cycle will be focusing on deadlifts, pullups, arnold presses, and squats, not focusing on number of pounds, but just get a good single set to failure - meaning heavy weights, to trigger as much lean muscle mass growth as possible.
I lift 2 exercises x 1 set x 8 rep (to failure), 2x / d, 5d / wk
(this means 4 exercises / day)
Cycloketogenic diet for last 3.5 yrs. I've been between 168 and 181 lb, depending on how much I eat and how heavy I lift.
1 wk ago, i added 1 steak/porkchop + 3-5 eggs, morning and night. This is an additional 1000+ calories of high-quality protein and fat on top of my maintenance diet. I expect to gain .5-1 lb over this week, and kickstart metabolism.
For 1 wk, I've also upped my water to 1+ gallon per day to establish the habit, because drinking extra water is very important for helping your liver process methylated, liver-straining drugs like epi.
I have 100 caps of 1g taurine. Taking 2-3g / day to prevent back pumps.
Nolvadex for PCT.
Any veterans' ideas welcome, as this is my first cycle. I think I have everything lined up based on my research, and with my food, gaining 10+ lbs muscle should be a breeze. The difficult part of the cycle is how much gain can I keep post-cycle, and can I do this without experiencing negative side effects.
30mg for 30 days
nolva 20/20/10/10
Osta Sarms 25/25/25/25
The goal is to gain 10 lbs muscle, and keep as much as possible while experiencing as few side effects as possible.
Will be taking the 10mg caps 8hrs apart
Just set an alarm to go off every day, 3x / day.
(the point is to keep blood level stable, none of this 1 in the morning, 2 before workout $hit, people doing that dont understand how drugs work...)
6'2" 171 lb male, <15% bf (never measured properly, i've always had a six-pack, skinny-strong / hard-gainer body)
last summer I ate and lifted heavy, got my weight to 181 lb, benching 265 lb.
this cycle will be focusing on deadlifts, pullups, arnold presses, and squats, not focusing on number of pounds, but just get a good single set to failure - meaning heavy weights, to trigger as much lean muscle mass growth as possible.
I lift 2 exercises x 1 set x 8 rep (to failure), 2x / d, 5d / wk
(this means 4 exercises / day)
Cycloketogenic diet for last 3.5 yrs. I've been between 168 and 181 lb, depending on how much I eat and how heavy I lift.
1 wk ago, i added 1 steak/porkchop + 3-5 eggs, morning and night. This is an additional 1000+ calories of high-quality protein and fat on top of my maintenance diet. I expect to gain .5-1 lb over this week, and kickstart metabolism.
For 1 wk, I've also upped my water to 1+ gallon per day to establish the habit, because drinking extra water is very important for helping your liver process methylated, liver-straining drugs like epi.
I have 100 caps of 1g taurine. Taking 2-3g / day to prevent back pumps.
Nolvadex for PCT.
Any veterans' ideas welcome, as this is my first cycle. I think I have everything lined up based on my research, and with my food, gaining 10+ lbs muscle should be a breeze. The difficult part of the cycle is how much gain can I keep post-cycle, and can I do this without experiencing negative side effects.