rjl296 said:
It seems hamstrings are worked more than quad. Ie on the tuesday workout the following work hams :
squats (i sit back)
sl deads
while only hack squats are for quads ?? should i fix the imbalance ?? If so, how ??
Well, let's break it down and see why I did what I did...
I am a westside powerlifter. No one in the world squats wider and sits back farther than us. Now I know we've said for year that this style of squatting works your hamstrings, and it does, but it's most certainly not a hamstring/ glute only exercise.
When you perform squats wdie-stance, and sit back, you are actually working the entire leg much moreso than narrow stance - knee squatters. What happens (when squatting Westside style), is that your hips, glutes, and hams oare worked greatly, but so is the quad, ESPECIALLY the Vastis Lateralis (that is, the outer quad.) The rectus femoris gets a fair amount of work as well, but not alot.
The second quad movement for the day is Hack quats which absolutely kill the Vastus Medialis (that is, the tear drop).
Now on the second lower body day of the week, you do deadlifts (whic work back ,yes, but also the rectus femoris and vastus lateralis quite well. And then the second quad movement is almost purely a rectus femoris movement.
So the point being, that all heads of the quad are being hit hard at least once per week, and recruitment of motor untis occur at elast twice per week for each head.
As far as goodmornings are concerned, these will work the hamstrings, yes, - but keep a narrow stance so that they focus more on the lower back. Keep the movemetn within the back and don't semi-squat the weight up.