i hope you were kidding when you gave your opinion by saying eating a little fast food isnt bad... if the guy is 6'2" 130# i still wouldnt recoment eating fast foods. why not eat more of the good foods.. set someone down the correct path.. extra calories?? eat another chicken breast with some veggies in olive oil.
not a mcdonalds burger..you are already heading down the second place path saying that..
same thing today as 60 years ago... the big 3.
proper diet... proper training... proper rest..
AND NO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!
just my opinion.
It is nothing new, iv heard other guys say it. Skinny hard gainers especially young ones will find it hard to constantly stuff down enough calories. Being ectomorphs they wont gain fat very easily either. So some fast food every so often will provide alot of the much needed calories. I guess you could say its a lazy way out but if you were 160 dont you think you would find it hard to eat 4000 clean calories every single day?
in my opinion, if he was eating fast good and making good gains before aslong as he wasnt over eating it like all the time then why not start eating it again? Like i said not all the time and he would have to monitor his progress, if he started getting fat then the fast food would be the first thing to go.