I can't believe that he would post that, like you said, to someone recovering from an eating disorder. That was just plain wrong.
You're correct, Keto's do have their place though I don't see myself ever utilizing it. It's amazing how many lives that I've seen screwed up over "The Atkins Diet." I used to work at GNC, and it's amazing how much money people would spend buying his products. They would be all these seriously overweight people, who thought that eating close to 0 carbs all the time was going to cure their health. These people wouldn't exercise, they would just hear about the diet part, and jump on the bandwagon. I heard a countless number of stories about people going on the diet for about a month, as a "quick fix." They'd go back to eating what they considered a normal diet (yeah right) and gain all the weight back, plus 10 or so pounds.
Keto isn't for everyone, and personally I don't see it as a long term weight loss/maintenance diet. Like you stated, it's good for pre-contest, or a situation where you need to drop a few pounds of fat in a hurry. I just don't see it as a feasible solution for lifetime living, but I'm not going to deny that there are people who will stick to it for life, and it does work to get the weight off of you.