Haz said:
But CoolColJ, don't your calves grow by just looking at the weights? I think it was you that posted pics of your legs, and if I remember right, your calves ballooned up like crazy. I'll try the exercises you mentioned though.
Yes perhaps initially they did, but that was then and this is now
But while I don't train them directly now as such with calf raises, they sure get their share of overload! Every Oly lift I do hits the calves quite hard. As well as all the above.
I'm a big believer in using explosive and fast movements to make the calves grow. Most of the time people put weight on the calves in a slow long TUT while walking, standing etc.
You need to do the opposite of what they are used to, plus calves tend to have at least 50% white fiber in most people. The gastrocs are a muscle you use when jumping and sprinting, its also a very strong eccentric shock absorber so it is mainly fast twitch.
The soleus is the one you use while walking and standing, and is mainly slow twitch, it won't grow that much and squats will build them up anyway.
And don't forget the calves work on both the ankle joint and KNEE joint. They assist the hamstrings in flexing the knee joint That's why RDLS onto toes, glute ham raises, Leg curls etc work well on the calves. You need to pull you toes towards your knee to maximise it though
So you may wanna try "blitzing" the calves by some standing single leg curls (pull toes up), then straight after do some single leg dumbell calf raises, then single leg squat with heels raised.
Also anytime you bend over you increase the ROM and stretch on the calves, ala Donkey calf raise. Another reason why RDLs onto toes work well, but add some plates under your toes to improve ROM.