This thread is hilarious...HAS to be a joke. Surrounded by a bunch of people giving advice that THINK that they are "Bodybuilders" and hey we don't want to look like all the top powerlifters.
News don't look like any of the real bodybuilders either. How many bodybuilders actually have small waists? Squats and deads do not increase the size of the pelvis. Most body builders have thicker abs, glutes, hamstrings, than powerlifters...they just have less body fat. Wait...that couldn't be DIET could it?
To the original poster...I'd focus on heavy, hard, core movements with the back squat being the basis of all living things for you. You need muscle, lots of muscle, and that muscle will burn off the fat that you want. The squat rack and the deadlift bar should be the air that gives you life...and that is advice that every single lifter should take to their grave.
Till you are staring down the bullet of when a judge will be deciding how you look aesthetically...squat deadlift repeat!