Yo johnny mate, to be honest I'm finding the dieting easier than I thought, partly cos I'm trying to set an example for Kev but also thanks to increasing cals as GJ suggested. I was tempted by my GFs chocolate pudding last night but had water instead!!
The foot is feeling much better thanks, it still aches in the am and evenings when I take my shoes off but I decided to do some unweighted squats (sometimes with the bar) just to keep my kegs moving 100 per WO in sets of 20. Seeing the foot doc Wednesday maybe get some good news.
The foot is feeling much better thanks, it still aches in the am and evenings when I take my shoes off but I decided to do some unweighted squats (sometimes with the bar) just to keep my kegs moving 100 per WO in sets of 20. Seeing the foot doc Wednesday maybe get some good news.
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