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ck2006 said:I am in the FAT class, LOL, totally joking, hee hee. thank you very much for the pointers. I know when I pose my face makes me look like i am in extreme pain or I am trying to crap and can't LMAO
Its really weird trying to practice posing and look like you are enjoying it, first, becaues you aren't enjoying it, and second, because you have no real audience in front of you so you feel goofy looking at yourself. Couple ways to deal w/ that:
Have a friend video tape you in a "dry run" so you can see how the audience would see you. It might reveal some unconscious tendencies. For ex, when I looked at photos from my 2nd competition, I was biting my lower lip the whole time - no idea why I was doing that because I didnt' do it in my show 4 months earlier and didn't recall doing it before in general. But it was obviously an unconscious nervous habit. As a result I worked on relaxing my mouth when I held poses (also keeps the pressure off your jaw / teeth which contribute to that constipated look).
Also a BIG contribution to my ability to smile was the comfort at my show last May that I had a bunch of supporters in the audience, I could hear them (coudlnt' see them), I knew I already had my posing down, and at this point all I had to do was strut my stuff. That is such a liberating attitude to enter a show with -I highly recommend it.
And if you really need to get past the stage fright aspect, I highly recommend a glass of red wine pre-show