AHHHHHH! so I could only burn 250 cals which is better than nothing but I can't seem to get higher in my weights cause I can't finish my reps!!! I hate late night workouts cause I don't have energy but don't want to do it during the day unless my husband is in town cause then I have to get a babysitter and I feel guilty for not spending fricken 2 hours with my kids, which I have to get over.... I talked to my trainer cause I looked all over today for stupid wrist supports and couldn't find any and she told me where I could get some.
When I have days like this I wonder if I will be even able to do the competition. But then I get pissed off and more determined so Saturday is cardio and I am going to burn as much calories as I can before my kids get up so I will have to get up at 4:00am to do that. Thats if I can *&*^*^ move cause my ass and hamstrings are still sore from tuesday and I did my calves today so who knows if I will even be able to walk tomorrow. I looked like a frigen idiot at the gym because I did my calves and went to do my Bent over straight arm DB kick backs and my whole body was shaking cause my calves were, and I am not even sure I am doing that exercise correctly. Sunday is my cheat day, which I don't even want to cheat because I know I will get sick cause I will overload on carbs so I probably won't, then Monday I am going right back to that *&^*^ gym and working my ass off.
Sorry, done my cry baby, going insane for a moment venting!