Don't worry that you will not be able to develop "full muscle" with partials.
Although changing the exercise range or angle may alter the recruitment pattern, it is not going to develop some areas of the muscle more or less than others, thanks to noncontiguous innervation.
Each motor nerve controls its own group of muscle fibers called a motor unit. The constituent fibers are equally spread out throughout the muscle, rather than being concentrated in it's "peak" or "sweep" or any other part. So even if you manage to recruit a different moter unit, its fibers will still be all over the muscle.
Conclusion: it is impossible to change the shape of a muscle. A muscle is like a balloon- it will look different if you blow it up, but the inherent shape is still there. So do partials, and don't sweat it.
That does not mean though, that you cannot change the shape of a body part. You can- by focusing on different muscle groups, and individual muscles within a muscle group. For example, emphasizing the short head of the biceps makes it peaked, and overdeveloping the long head gives the biceps a more stretched look. But I will save that for another book.