wow that's a lot of volume! Are you going to failure?
I do 3x/week stuff, but it's not to failure, and it's only 11 sets total. You're doing like 40-odd sets, correct?
I'd cut it down to:
Flat DB Bench
Incline DB Bench
Upright Rows
Bent-over rows
Maybe DB overhead Press
One-armed preacher
Skull-cruchers (these two you can skip if you feel fatigued)
And I'd do it for maybe 1-2 sets each. The growth potential of 3x/week workouts can't be denied, but one must be very careful to avoid burnout by managing volume. Even the HST-ers, who rarely if ever train to failure, mostly do 1 set per exercise, 2 max. Let us know what you decide to do.