Go find a big old tractor tire flip it around your yard then beat the shit out of it with a heavy sledge hammer then stand it up against a wall or tree and use it as a punching bag it's a blast and it's one of the hardest cardio slash pure strength workout you will ever do and it only takes 20 minutes
Just got home from back/bis day. Did about an hour on stat bike. It passed pretty quick since I found Mean Girls on the TV. Staring at Lindsay Lohan's beautiful body back when she was a prime cut of beef was awesome.
Title.... Agreed. I stare at that fuckin clock from the time I get on till I get off. Now I'm doing stair master instead of tread and it sucks more donkey dick than before. Why do I opt for this torture. Like a rat on a wheel
Another option is I have a friend who plays tennis, and has been asking me to play. She's apparently really good though, I don't want to get my ass kicked by a girl.