Well Montana, it is trolling when the subject has been covered in detail on this very board recently with essentially the same results and you repost it. now either you are incredibly naive or not bright enough to realize that it would generate a controversy or you are trolling? which is it?
Pushing your book here again? Frankly I do not care how many books/articles you have or have not written, so what? If I disagree and do so in a civil and logical way readily willing to back everything i say up with studies or other evidence, do not resort to callilng you a dumbshit asswipe simply because you disagree with me unlike you who are ever ready to resort to name calling and ridicule.
You know, i kept asking myself, is he really that dense that he can not see the different points being made here and that some of these points are not so dissimilar......... And once again, i have to come to the conclusion that montana is either a common garden variety troll or just likes the limelight.
Sigh, I knew I should have just let it go, I guess i must be guilty in taking some kind of perverse pleasure in pointing out the numerous logical fallacies and just plain untruths. Its too bad you are so predictable, when you get pressed you resort to calling people names, pointing out your numerous writings proving that you obviously must be right , anything but actually backing up what you say with something that looks like a sound intellectual argument.
Little smiley's and gold stars for those that agree with you and namecalling, non-sequitors, general bad manners for those that do not.
C'mon Montana, I'm not a bad guy trying to bust your chops just to bust your chops, i just do not happen to agree with you that there is no place for aerobics in bodybuilding and am willing to cogently argue it. This could be a win win for everyone with a chance to learn something if you would just step up without the immature behavior and make your points. And don't forget, we all lif weights here!