And one should ask themselves this:
Why is it that if I present an opposing view, along with a cogent argument and logical assertions, that I'm trolling?
You see boldman, my writings have helped many people -- many not as mch as yours, but still quite a lot.
Anabolick: The reason you're flat is beacue your muscles have lost glycogen. On the other hand, some people think they look "leaner" after cardio because they sweat, are a bit dehydrated and sodium depleted and they can see the muscles more clearly.
I don't want to come off like I'm whining (which I'm sure I'll be accused of) but I'm getting a little tired of all this "piling on." I'm sure he majority of people who enjoy my posts read them, ignore the detractors, and move on. But every day I have to endure accusations and name calling and personal attacks -- often from people with marginal comprehension abilities.
And the reason is clear. Some people don't want to have to think. They just want to believe what they've decided to believe. And they want to find other people who agree with them.
But my job is to call it as I see it. And I've seen quite a lot, thank you.
So agree, or disagree, or go on some thread that discussed the merits of cypionate over enanthate and stay away from topics that may be interesting to the more curious. I'm all for a difference of opinion but I am really sick and tired of these ass-wipes who come on and just shit all over a thread with their hostility.
Why is it that if I present an opposing view, along with a cogent argument and logical assertions, that I'm trolling?
You see boldman, my writings have helped many people -- many not as mch as yours, but still quite a lot.
Anabolick: The reason you're flat is beacue your muscles have lost glycogen. On the other hand, some people think they look "leaner" after cardio because they sweat, are a bit dehydrated and sodium depleted and they can see the muscles more clearly.
I don't want to come off like I'm whining (which I'm sure I'll be accused of) but I'm getting a little tired of all this "piling on." I'm sure he majority of people who enjoy my posts read them, ignore the detractors, and move on. But every day I have to endure accusations and name calling and personal attacks -- often from people with marginal comprehension abilities.
And the reason is clear. Some people don't want to have to think. They just want to believe what they've decided to believe. And they want to find other people who agree with them.
But my job is to call it as I see it. And I've seen quite a lot, thank you.
So agree, or disagree, or go on some thread that discussed the merits of cypionate over enanthate and stay away from topics that may be interesting to the more curious. I'm all for a difference of opinion but I am really sick and tired of these ass-wipes who come on and just shit all over a thread with their hostility.