I been doin the same as SL and DB actually for 3 weeks + 25 mins LI cardio 4 times a week + ECA stack. 150g carbs 3 days and 300 g on day 4 (altering fats accordingly). I have been really pleased (I have done a CKD and would compare the results favourably)...except...I have had 5 days off from the gym an I feel like I have seriously shrunk and turned from an Ecto to a SUPERECTO!
I think on this kinda diet its advisable (for an Ecto anyway) to limit activity in the gy and train 3 excercises per body part max. Im just trying to maintain muscle mass + recomposition of bodyshape. I should be there in about 5-6 weeks
I think on this kinda diet its advisable (for an Ecto anyway) to limit activity in the gy and train 3 excercises per body part max. Im just trying to maintain muscle mass + recomposition of bodyshape. I should be there in about 5-6 weeks