Blue, let's get real here. I highly doubt your mooslim friends are the same ones who are selling opiates to 12 year olds that they forced into addiction to fund their extremist ideas. You seriously think we are the bad guys here? They turn that drug money into fucking RPGs, small arms, and mortars and all kind of other weaponry to wreak havoc upon their own people.
The peace loving Shia people welcomed us into Afghanistan on both of my tours there with food and joy, because they knew we were there to put our boots in the Sunni's assholes for being fucking idiots. Sooner or later you are going to have to wake up to the fact that there are people in this world who will kill you dead where you stand because you aren't their religion, or because you aren't from their region.
It is a dangerous, hateful cult that needs to be flat out extinguished from the face of the Earth for good. I will never in my life regret a single thing I did while serving in the Marine Corps.
Maybe you need to watch a couple more 9/11 videos, or check out how your friends are fucking chopping off innocent journalists heads to prove their point. They're just so cuddly, aren't they?