Silent Method, I know that you have a good head on your shoulders from reading past posts. I've been a P.T. for a little over eight years now, so is my wife we make a good living at it. Until recently it was our sole source of income. You do not need to be certified but I would recommend it, as a selling tool. In this aspect one certification is as good as another, if you need to rely on the P.T. certification courses to teach you to how to train, forget it. You should also have a good working knowledge of nurtrition and physiology of exercise. I started out by working out a deal with the owner of the gym where I wanted to train. I do not jump from gym to gym or do in home training, for me its a waste of time. I sought out clients from proffesional circles who were interested in long term training, severel times a week. That way you do not have to hustle appointments or ever wonder where your next paycheck is comming from. I work with the same people week after week, year after year. This way I always know when I work and can set my own hours anyway that I want. What I did for years was work six sessions in the a.m. 6a.m. to noon. Take a few hours break then work several sessions after 4p.m. , this worked well with the various schedules of the individuals that I train. I hope this answers some of your questions, also it pays to look fit with some muscle.