damn that book must be 30yrs old cant you find something more resent to ask about. besides that most of the training princibles have changed since then. you are not very clear on your question. what exercise are you doing this with, dumbbells, straight bar, machines? as far as the burn grab a 20lb dumbbell and do about 50 reps and you'll figure out what that means. Dont mean to sound like a prick but it seems like you are just starting and trying anything you can to see improvements, which is cool, but if i'm right and you are really lost try this.
1. find a determined workout partner
2. talk to the guys in the gym who you admire to find out what works for them. must people will give you the heads up as long as you aren't a pest and keep asking the same lame questions
3. set realistic goals in your training
4. dont rush out and get a bunch of dope let your body grow to its natural potenial first
5. keep reading, try the exercise and training board