*Bunny* said:
Where is the old post where I suggested things to try, I believe it was in reply to a question from MM ...
Sorry I just don't have time look for it right now ... my head is in another place
*Plyo ideas*
Found this hun ...
*Around this post*
and this page
You can still do things like
squats & Hack
Lunges - I'm sure you can handle more than 15 lb DBs ... walking ones too, knee up & squeeze your butt
Step Ups(bench) - weighted, push through heel & squeeze you butts, don't be afraid to go heavier than 10-15 lb dbs ...
Extensions - ***watch the knees from going to heavy***, you can use those bands & cables too to side step
Leg Curls - lying, standing or with cables or bands
Stiff deads - I love these
I NEVER did the high reps thing to help reshape my legs... I have read 15-25 reps, but not for me...
I coompletely reshaped my body, tweaked my diet, used what muscle I had to build more muscle and focused on hitting the upper body extra hard (see lats) to achieve a more happy balance with my physique.
I also BULKED for about 16 weeks ... it was my break, off time hiatus, I moved, etc.... & I when I trained it was lower reps higher weights ... no real SET schedule... and I recall being told that was the happiest Mr. B has even seen me .. funny how those things work ... Anyway ...
You don't have to do that ... I would hit the stepper or step mill hard as well more cardio if you want to sacrifice lean muscle mass in your legs ( I dare not say overtrain, b/c I feel if you are eating enough ... blah blah blah), and if you can handle that outdoor stair/sprint work. Running really shreds me up too, but this can all all be too hard on a persons knees, so you have to take a little by little and try something ...
Use what you just did as one leg day, and add another ... hit em 2 X a week ... with cardio as needed ... & think about my previous suggestion to pack on the muscle up top & bring out your "V"