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geoffgarst said:You can bulk on CKD diet this way:
The most important aspect about using the CKD as a means of bulking is to set your calorie level around 20% (25x bodyweight) over your normal daily calorie level. On a similar note if this causes your calorie level to be too low/high you can always adjust it to fit your individual needs. The best way to consume the copious amounts of calories needed while bulking is to eat a high amount of: steak, chicken, fish, whole eggs, sausage, bacon, and protein and oil shakes. The best way to set this up is to adhere to the "ketogenic ratio," which is some where around 1.5 g of fat for every gram of protein. Your meal planning should consist of anywhere around 5-10 meals a day, that's right I did say 10. This is to constantly keep your muscle cells saturated with the optimal nutrients for growth.
The most substantial difference with using the Ketogenic diet for bulking opposed to cutting is the carbohydrates. During the bulking phase I recommend a 36-hour carb-load, this is to allow a substantial influx of carbs into the muscle but not to over do it. The next major difference is that you are to have 1000 calories worth of carbs, with a good amount of whey protein, approximately two-hours before your Wednesday workout. The main goal of this carb-spike is to allow the person to have a substantial amount of muscle glycogen to maintain workout intensity.
Now as far as the carb-up goes, you can either start with very high glycemic carbs. Then taper down to lower glycemic carbs. The other route is to eat what you want. For a hard-core bulking routine this is what most people will do. If you are going to follow the "eat whatever you can get your hands on" route definitely try to choose the lower fat route. This means if you are going to get donuts, try to find the brand that's lower in fat. But if you know you can drop the fat off at a relatively fast pace, then go ahead and get Nesquick and Krispy Kreme and have a fun time!
Reasons For This Plan
All right, now I'll discuss my rational behind this radical plan. Since you will be carb-loading Friday night into Sunday morning you most definitely want to hit most of your body on Sunday when your muscle glycogen is overstocked. This is the main reason for the carb up (bulking or dieting). The next weight workout will be performed on Wednesday, and I advocate a 1000 calorie influx of carbohydrates (preferably simple) before that. The rational backing this up is that by Wednesday your muscle glycogen should be fairly low, this influx of carbs will restock your glycogen stores substantially and allow you to perform at an optimal level in the gym. The next weight workout will be performed on Friday night before the carb-up. On this workout you should be performing a heavy full body workout, mainly to fully deplete glycogen stores and causes an anabolic stimulus when you start exploding carbs into your muscles.
OR You can follow this type of diet:
Bulking Phase Back to top
During this phase you want to consume a number of calories equals to your bodyweight times 12 and add 1500 to this number. For example, if you weigh 180 lbs [180 x 12 = 2160] you'll need to consume about 3660 calories per day. This is true of people not extremely active. I found out that I could eat a few hundreds calories more to get the best results since I play a little bit of softball on the side as well. Here is the diet of a typical day for me during the bulking phase:
HIGH CALORIE DIET (Time, Food, Protein, Carbs, Fat, Calories)
7:30am Cereals 3 85 3 380
Egg Protein 22 3 0 100
1 Banana 1.6 27.5 0.6 109
18 oz Skim Milk 18 27 0 190
2 Oatmeal Cookies 2 17 6 130
10:00am Whey Protein 26.5 2 1 125
16 oz Skim Milk 16 24 0 170
Creatine w/ Grape Juice 0 40 0 175
Noon 1 Cheeseburger 42 43 42 698
1/4 lb beef w/ condiments
3:30pm Whey Protein 26.5 2 1 125
16 oz Skim Milk 16 24 0 170
5:30pm 40-30-30 Bar 14 22 6 200
6:30pm Weight Workout (6-8 reps)
7:30pm Creatine w/ Grape Juice 0 40 0 175
8:00pm Steak 40 0 30 450
Pasta 10 45 2.5 240
10:00pm Cereals 3 85 3 380
12 oz Skim Milk 12 20 0 125
Total 252.6 506.5 95.1 3942
PS: Karma is always welcome here!
Good info... I want to try a CKD bulk..
If I workout Monday/Wed/Fri, could I change the carb up to
Monday night to Wed morning carb up
Friday 1000 calorie carbs before the workout -- is this just like 1-3 hours before the workout or like the whole day?
Do you have carbs postworkout during the carb ups?
And for the low carb days you have fat + protein postworkout right?
If I'm taking in around 3000 calories, how much fat should I eat?
167g fat, about 330g protein, and under 40g carbs is what I figured out from another keto site.